Thursday, August 28, 2008

Accident Prone

Some say that I am a walking accident...while I like to say that I am a walking miracle. Seriously...I am an idiot. I was getting into my car on Monday afternoon and heading to work at the Aagards. As I was getting in I hit my neck on the pointy car door. Nothing happened but it hurt and then I ended up hitting my eye on the door frame. It hurt so bad! It bruised almost instantly! The morning the top of my eye was black and blue, like a half black eye. Then today I was sitting at work and I leaned back in my chair ( it is a leaning chair) and as I did it lost balance and i fell backwards and SMASHED my head into a stone wall. I just kind of sat there for a while and then two people came out to see what happened to me. HOW EMBARASSING! Oh well right? Just another day in the life of Kimber! I am fine and recovering nicely but I do have quite the headache!

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